Digital Marketing solutions designed to increase Realtors' ROI

You as a realtor may have experienced a major change over the last decade. Today’s clients are beginning to buy houses in a different way, often after performing extensive research online and envisioning exactly what they want from their future home.

Digital marketing has become a crucial part of the marketing strategy of top realtors. With digital marketing, the real estate industry now generates new leads and completes successful sales.

Increasing ROI has been proven to be one of the benefits of digital marketing strategies. In the real estate industry, the mantra holds true. The realtors can boost the return on their investments by implementing effective digital marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing and Real Estate

For realtors seeking to become more visible online, social media was among the first game-changers. Real estate professionals used Facebook Business Ads, blogs, and photo albums to publicize new listings and build a brand.

The majority of real estate professionals use social media platforms, so how can a real estate brokerage or agent further differentiate themselves in a competitive market? An effective digital marketing strategy can have an even greater impact than a conventional marketing strategy.

Use these some tips and tricks to jump-start your real estate digital marketing strategy:

· Develop an Email Campaign

Email marketing campaigns are a great way to connect with new leads and keep up with past clients, no matter the industry. An ideal campaign should funnel potential clients through predetermined actions based on their profile and prior engagements.

Studies have shown that the open rate for emails sent by real estate businesses is approximately 27% and the click-through rate (CTR) is approximately 3%. Your content must be relevant to what is being requested of a client, otherwise, they will not open your email.

· Making a website accessible

If you open a website, how often do you close it due to a slow loading time? Web developers may have problems creating realtor websites because of all the photos and links. Professional web designers, however, are able to develop a responsive website that is easy to navigate on mobile devices with the help of their clients.

The majority of web browsing is completed on mobile devices, so if your site is not compatible with mobile devices, all of your site’s visitors will have difficulty accessing it. In order to provide your clients with the best experience, your mobile-friendly website should include the following content:

  • All new listings in one place
  • The content should guide them throughout their home-buying journey
  • Services such as lawyers, movers, and home inspectors that can be helpful during the moving process

Consider implementing a live chat feature on your website as well. You should always be available to answer questions when people have concerns in the real estate business. You can arrange appointments with people using live chat software 24/7 without necessarily speaking to them directly.

· Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC is a powerful marketing tool to attract new customers based on advertisements that realtors pay for every time the ads are clicked.

Those seeking to attract clients who may be genuinely interested in their offering can utilize pay-per-click advertising, where they only pay when a client clicks their ad.

A PPC advertisement can often be targeted at individuals who have searched for correlated keywords on Google or another search engine.

· Create and post quality blog content

Real estate professionals who have responsive websites that have blogs have 434 percent more indexed pages, improving their SEO.

Your blog is a great example of how you can level up your SEO, build your online reputation, and provide your clients with practical information on buying and selling houses. If a real estate professional doesn’t have valuable content on their website or social media, then their digital marketing plan isn’t worth anything.

You should also write regular content on your website in order to answer buyers’ most pressing questions about real estate.

· Hosting virtual tours

Digital marketing strategies that include virtual tours are essential to the success of the campaign. A video tour not only shares video content – which generates revenue 49% faster than other types of content – but gives a customer an idea of what a home offers them in person.

Home purchases can be challenging, and your role as a real estate expert is to make them easier for your clients. A successful virtual tour should include certain qualities, including:

  • A real-life video of the home is used rather than a digital illustration
  • Assuring that the video of the tour is responsive and interactive for every viewing device (mobile and desktop).
  • Creating a 3D and user-friendly virtual tour
  • Strategize social media marketing

Real estate content can be posted occasionally to your Facebook page, but a vibrant social media marketing strategy is what will really make an impact on your business. Here are a few ideas for useful content to post on your social media channels:

  • posting the listings whether new or old
  • Bio of your agents (if you own a brokerage)
  • Analyses of case studies
  • Blog posts that are relevant
  • The stories of success

As a digital marketer, you might know how challenging it can be to develop a social media strategy and post continuously across all channels. Social media content development and scheduling can, however, be made easier with tools like Buffer.

Sharing different types of content is the most important part of any social media strategy for real estate. You want to make sure your digital strategy isn’t only geared towards leads in the market for new homes, but you also want to make sure your content is useful for a broad audience.

  • Organize a Webinar

Digital marketing success depends on sharing all your expertise as a real estate professional. The advent of webinars and online workshops makes it easy to stay relevant in the industry while reaching a wide audience.

Digital marketing for real estate professionals relies heavily on generating inbound leads, so if you want to succeed with digital marketing, you must get your name out there and demonstrate your expertise.

· Make Time for SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a critical technique to promote your website. The following tips will improve your website’s position on search engine results pages (SERPs) during relevant searches.

It is important to focus on your SEO more than once, though, as Google and other search engines constantly adjust their algorithms. A keyword is a basic aspect of SEO that can have a major impact. Include high-ranking keywords in your SEO strategy by putting them all throughout your blog and website. In addition to SEO, there are other elements to consider:

  • Creating backlinks
  • The meta title and description
  • Social media profiles
  • Using online directories

Content is an important part of an effective SEO strategy, so make sure that you regularly update your blog. Content that ranks highest on Google is usually between 1140 words and 1285 words long, so it may be a good idea to write long-form, high-value content regularly.

What you can do today to improve your digital marketing?

Establish buyer profiles: Buyer profiles are the ideal clients you want to reach with your content. Consider both new homeowners and buyers, their jobs and average salaries, as well as other characteristics that may influence their decision-making process when you are writing your marketing copy.

Post relevant content: Whether it’s from your own blog or from another professional within your brokerage, valuable content will help you stand out online as an informed expert. Once a week, update your company blog with valuable content for different buyer profiles.

Improving your search engine optimization: It’s easy to rank higher on the search engine results pages of sites like Google and Bing. Make sure you include industry-related and popular keywords in any copy you write based on the Google Ads results you find in Google Ads.

Learn digital marketing skills: In today’s competitive marketplace, digital marketing skills are becoming increasingly important to running a successful business. The benefits of investing in digital marketing training are that you can stand out from your competition by having the right skill set.

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