What can Realtors do to boost their business with Real Estate Websites?

Create a compelling landing page that can increase your lead generation is not too difficult. Our experts have compiled certain tips that can significantly affect your bottom line with a little bit of effort.

Your website should look modern and make a positive first impression.

According to research, the majority of home buyers and sellers begin the home buying process online. A website that truly represents you and your brand can help you put your best foot forward. In addition to attractive graphics, it should be simple to navigate and make visitors feel right at home the second they land on it. Consult a web designer about adding the following design elements to your real estate website:

1. Your expertise in the housing market can be shown with beautiful, high-definition photos

The best way to advertise for realtors is this. In all the right ways, it grabs people’s attention! No matter how you use photos (small or full-screen) or how you display them, imagery provides visual interest and, more importantly, highlights everything your area has to offer.

2. Display of custom properties

Showcase your portfolio’s high-profile listings with custom-designed property displays. The listings will gain the most exposure this way. You’re also letting people know you’re trusted by high-profile clients. As an excellent addition to your digital marketing strategy for real estate, it will immediately boost your brand and reputation!

3. The website must add value to the visitors

It is not enough for your website to be aesthetically pleasing and also to be user-friendly. Ideally, it should have the ability to generate leads and capture them. Why not make this a price that prospective customers can’t resist? Your expertise in real estate can be demonstrated by providing free consultations and by offering exclusive home-buying or home-selling guides. The value proposition should be attractive enough that people will be willing to contact you for more information.

4. The Descriptive Card

It’s possible to design a real estate website with a dozen or more variations while keeping everything simple and intuitive with the use of descriptive cards. The way this format presents information summarizes things in one or two sentences, which everyone can understand. The content on your site’s landing pages also acts as a teaser, encouraging your visitors to click to find out more.

Create a blog

According to research, if you blog one or two times a month, you could get as many as 55% more leads than you will get without one. You can’t get leads from your website if the traffic doesn’t come, and the best way to attract people to your website is to provide them with fresh content.

Blogging is an effective way to reach potential clients.

You should post once a week on topics of interest to everyone who visits your website. The best way to come up with an insightful comment is to think back on the questions your clients have asked. Create a blog post about one of those questions, and you’ll hear directly from your customers. Get in touch with real estate professionals you’re connected with and ask them to contribute a guest post. It elevates your blog’s authority and takes a little bit of the burden off of you.

Don’t just tell; show

Your blog content will attract people to your site, but once they’re there, a beautiful display of properties and neighborhoods will hook them in. It’s amazing how much more inquiries you receive when your listing includes a video – after all, listings with videos produce 400% more inquiries. A video tour lets you show off the house, show visitors the neighborhood, and tell them about local institutions. There’s not much of a cost to doing it. If you want to record videos on your phone, mount them to a tripod for easy recording, and then upload them to YouTube to embed on your site. You can also walk through a neighborhood or house while conducting a commentary on your phone. A variety of excellent virtual tour software is available to help you with this.

Describe the home-buying process in detail

The process of buying a home can be intimidating for new homeowners. This is probably the biggest financial commitment they will ever have to make. Educate people on what to expect during the home-buying process so that it doesn’t seem so daunting. Perhaps you can create a series of blog posts or videos that walk your customers through each step in the buying process as if you were holding their hand throughout the whole time.

Do not rely on excessive advertisement and pop-ups

If the site is too spammy, it would turn people away from coming to your website. I understand you want people to subscribe to your newsletter, but the website should not look spammy. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use pop-ups at all. Email campaigns are a great way to capture emails that could lead to sales. However, there is a limit. It is true that 68% of the searches block sites because they are too cluttered with ads. You’ll get greater appreciation from your prospective clients if you make your site an easy-to-use experience.

Improve your site’s mobile compatibility

In the last decade, the Internet landscape has greatly changed. About 52 percent of all home buyers search for listings on their iPhones. More than half of your customers are going to be searching on mobile devices, which means your site must work well on those little screens otherwise it will be a mess that your customers don’t want to deal with. As Google changes its algorithm every month, mobile-friendly sites keep getting ranked higher than those that aren’t, so that’s an additional incentive: more traffic. Do you have a mobile-friendly site? You can run it through Google’s quick test. You’ll need software if it’s not. Consider using WordPress as a publisher for your blog, which makes your content mobile-friendly and offers mobile themes for readers browsing your blog on their smartphones.

Add testimonials to your contact page

If your contact page is filled with glowing reviews, prospective clients will be more likely to contact you. Your website needs a contact form where visitors can provide their name, address, and other information. Additionally, testimonials are a great way to get visitors to fill out the contact form. Inquire of past clients how much they are willing to pay for your services, and place the quotes you receive above your contact form for everyone to see. Make them say the same thing in a video and embed it.

Know the language of Google

When your website is not found, people cannot visit it and therefore cannot buy homes from you. Since buyers usually search for homes on Google, you’ll need to optimize your site so visitors can find it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of ranking high in Google search results and attracting organic traffic through search engines.

Where can I learn how to use it?

Let’s start with the basics:

  •  Try to select one or two keywords that will appeal to your customers, while using a longer keyword phrase that has fewer competitors in Google
  •  You could use a keyword phrase like “homes near the Hollywood Bowl” to help people find your particular area.
  •  Regularly update your blog with fresh, helpful content

What is your strategy for getting people to your website?

Is your real estate website doing well in terms of traffic? You can share any tips that you would like to include on your site in the comments section below. Let us know what didn’t work well

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